


BrickWarriors products are small and could be a choking hazard for children under 3 years of age. Please keep these products away from small children. By ordering from BrickWarriors you accept responsibility for keeping these products away from any small children and any liability for failure to do so.

Shipping and Handling

We ship to most countries, but international customers can also order from one of our authorized resellers  in order to receive their order faster.

Orders ship every day, Monday through Friday. We will try our best to ship every order out the same day that we receive payment, but if we have a very high volume of orders shipments may be delayed. Please note that all shipping times are from the time of shipping and are only estimates. Estimated shipping times are not guaranteed and actual shipping times may vary. The day that the order is shipped does not count as a day, so if an order is shipped on a Monday with 2 to 4 day shipping, the earliest it could arrive would be Wednesday.

You may return most new, and unopened items within 7 days of delivery. If you decide you no longer want the items you ordered you may return them if they are new, and unopened. You are responsible for paying the return postage. We will give a refund once the product has been received and inspected. If the product is returned in its original packaging and has no signs of wear and tear you will get a refund for the subtotal, the shipping cost will not be refunded. If the product is received damaged or/and has wear or/and tear no refund will be issued.

If you change your mind on an order you placed you can request for it be cancelled. Please be advised that you will get a refund minus any fees incurred. Orders over $100 that are cancelled after 24hrs of purchase will also be charged a 10% restocking fee. Any order that is canceled after 1 week of purchase and is ready to ship, will be charged a 10% restocking fee, regardless on size of order (ie. quantity or monetary size).

If you cancel your order after it has been shipped simply refuse the package at delivery and once we receive it we will issue a refund. Please be advised that you will get a refund minus any fees incurred. 


The following options are available for domestic shipping:
USPS First-Class 
USPS Priority Mail


International orders will be shipped via USPS First Class International Mail 

Please note that some countries may charge VAT and/or import tax, even for orders that receive free shipping. By placing an order, you agree to pay all VAT and import tax associated with the order. If a package is refused due to taxes not being paid, that order will not be eligible for a refund. If you are not willing to take these risks, please order from one of our international resellers.

Multiple Orders

If you place multiple orders going to the same address, we reserve the right to ship those orders together. If you place two orders and would like them shipped separately, you must note it in the comments section of the order.


Lost Domestic Packages

We will ship packages to the address you specify, so please double check the address you enter before submitting your order. If it has been 21 days after you receive shipping confirmation and your order has still not arrived, please fill out the contact us form with your order number and correct mailing address. If the address you give us and the mailing address on the order do not match, then it means you entered the address wrong for the order. If that is the case, the lost package is your responsibility so a refund will not be given. If the addresses match, we will try to send you your items one more time. If we no longer have certain items in stock that you ordered, we will provide a refund for those items whether you request a refund or a resend for the rest of the order.

Please note that occasionally the post office forces us to make a slight change to your address because the address you specified is not in the system. If this happens, we will make whatever changes they suggest. If this causes the package to be lost we will not resend or refund your order as it is your responsibility to provide us with a correct and complete mailing address.

Lost International Packages

For international shipping, the buyer takes all the risk of lost packages. We will gladly provide you with proof that we shipped your package, but we cannot track the package out of the US. By ordering and choosing this method you agree that BrickWarriors LLC will not be held liable and offer no reship or refund if your package does not arrive. If you are not willing to take these risks, please order from one of our international resellers

VAT and Import Tax on International Packages

Some countries may charge VAT and/or import tax. By placing an order, you agree to pay all VAT and import tax associated with the full value of the order. If a package is refused and returned to us due to taxes not being paid, that order will not be eligible for a refund. Please check with your local Post Office to see what taxes may be charged on the package before ordering. We will not honor requests to put a lower value on the customs declaration.

Undeliverable Packages

If a package is returned to us by the USPS for any reason, we will contact you and give you a refund for your order, less shipping costs and any associate fees. If you still want the items, we charge $3.00 to re-ship your order Domestic, $15 international shipments

Missing Product

If any of your order is missing, do not hesitate to contact us via our contact us form so that we can provide you with store credit for a replacement. You must contact us within 7 days of delivery. 

Broken Pieces

We do our best to pack your orders so that all the pieces will arrive safely. If a piece gets broken by the post office we will give you store credit so that you can order a replacement in your next order.


Coupons only valid on orders over $10.  Coupon must be entered at checkout to apply. Coupons may not be applied to past orders. Coupons may expire or be cancelled at the sole discretion of BrickWarriors. Coupons not valid for resellers.


All sales  on apparel are final and all costs associated with those sales are nonrefundable. However, if you are unsatisfied with your order for any reason, please let us know by filling out our contact us form so that we can improve our service and products.

If you change your mind on an order you placed you can request for it be cancelled. This only applies if you request for it to be canceled before it has shipped. Please be advised that you will get a refund minus any fees incurred. Orders over $100 that are cancelled after 24hrs of purchase will also be charged a 10% restocking fee.


BrickWarriors products are intended to be used by those ages 5 and up. Some of the parts are quite small and have somewhat sharp edges. 

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.