
Custom LEGO Weapon of the Week - Executioner Axe

Posted by Merrie on 12th May 2017

Get ready for some High Justice, because this week's Custom LEGO Weapon is the Executioner Axe! Back in the good old days of dysentery and the Black Death, public executions made for quite the spectacle. If your life expectancy was roughly 35, and a gang of roving rats just made off with your youngest child, you'd probably find beheadings amusing too. Regardless of their love for corporal punishment, people tended not to like the actual executioners; many were socially ostracized. Who'd think no one would want to be friends with the dude who chops off people's heads?! That didn't really matter in the end, because he was ultimately the one who delivered justice, with an axe, a guillotine, or a sword! This particular axe is specially designed for bringing swift justice to disobeying minifigs. It brings a whole new meaning to making heads roll!

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.