
Custom LEGO Minifigure of the Week - V for Vendetta by @MrCheeseKing

20th Oct 2015

"There, did you think to kill me? There's no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There's only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof." Indeed. Today's Custom LEGO Minifigure is inspired by the movie/graphic novel "V for Vendetta" and brought to you by Instagram user @MrCheeseKing. The minifigure at the forefront, being held by V, wears a Rogue Hood but clearly isn't stealthy enough to deserve it. He also has two Hidden Blades on each wrist (spiced up with a custom paint job), but it looks like they do him no good in the situation he finds himself in. Avoid a similar fate and load up on Rogue gear in the shop today!

Custom LEGO Minifigure of the Week - V for Vendetta by @mrcheeseking

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.