
​Custom LEGO Accessory of the Week – Lantern

4th Nov 2019

Custom LEGO Accessory of the Week – Lantern

The custom Lego accessory of the week, the Lantern, is the ideal custom Lego accessory for your Lego minifigures and custom Lego MOCs!

There is nothing worse than wandering the open sea or sidewalk without being able to see. Come nightfall, this custom LEGO® lantern is what every minifigure needs. Now you can light up all your MOCs! But not really. It's just a piece of plastic. Don't get the wrong idea's just a custom LEGO® accessory.

This custom lego accessory is frequently stocked in black, steel and limited-edition color of pearl gold is also available. Grab your custom Lego accessory of the week today! 

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.