BrickWarriors Holiday Gift Guide From A - Z: C is for Chains to Champions

BrickWarriors Holiday Gift Guide From A - Z: C is for Chains to Champions

5th Nov 2014

C is for Chains to Champions, our gladiator themed board game.  What makes this game truly unique is that it's different each time you play.  In this strategy game, you buy a gladiator, equip him with weapons and training, and then hope that your strategy is good enough so that your gladiator won't end up splattered on the sand of the arena.  Bonus: it comes with 22 BrickWarriors accessories plus 6 exclusive training dummies!  The value of these pieces alone would be more than the game itself!  So don't delay, it's time to fight to the death in the arena!

Want to see the game explained step by step to see if it's the perfect gift to add to your list?  Watch Ryan and Amanda battle it out in these instructional videos:

Phase 1: Auction Phase

Phase 2: Market Phase

Totaling Stats

Phase 3: Battle Phase

Already have it?  Fantastic!  Head on over to boardgamegeek to review the game so others can see if they'll like it too!

holiday gift guide - c is for Chains to Champions

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.